The Summer College Credit Program is a great way to explore careers, earn college credit and high school credit, and save money.
An Iowa Department of Education grant will pay the entire cost of the course, including tuition, fees, textbooks, and supplies. There is no cost to either students or school districts!
If your high school participates in the Summer College Credit Program, your courses will be on your official high school transcript, and your grades will be included in your high school GPA.
BIO-168 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
4 credits—The first of a two-semester sequence especially designed for students pursuing careers in allied health fields as well as any student desiring an in-depth undergraduate transfer course. The course focuses on the interdependent relationships between the structure and functions of body systems and the ways these parts interact (homeostasis) to insure the survival of the organism. Major topics addressed include levels of organization, the chemistry of life, support/movement, integration/control, and coordination. Coordinated laboratory exercises focus on anatomical knowledge and physiological functions.
Lecture Hours: 48 Lab Hours: 32
Course Type: General Education / Transfer
Location: This hybrid class includes both online instruction and in-person meetings at Main Campus, Grundy Hall, rooms 206A and 220.
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Class Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday
- Lecture: 9 – 9:50 AM
- Lab: 10 – 11:50 AM
HSC-113 Medical Technology
2 credits—This course presents the foundation necessary to develop a basic medical terminology vocabulary. Emphasis on the components of terms as related to each body system will be provided. The course further provides the student with the opportunity to properly spell, pronounce and utilize medical terms in relation to pathological conditions, tests, and procedures. Common medical abbreviations will also be discussed for each system.
Lecture Hours: 32
Course Type: Technical
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Location: Online
HSC-168 Nurse Aide
4 credits—The first of a two-semester sequence especially designed for students pursuing careers in allied health fields as well as any student desiring an in-depth undergraduate transfer course. The course focuses on the interdependent relationships between the structure and functions of body systems and the ways these parts interact (homeostasis) to insure the survival of the organism. Major topics addressed include levels of organization, the chemistry of life, support/movement, integration/control, and coordination. Coordinated laboratory exercises focus on anatomical knowledge and physiological functions.
Lecture Hours: 48 Lab Hours: 32
Course Type: General Education / Transfer
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Orientation: Monday, June 9, 8 AM – 3 PM
Class Schedule: Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday
- Lab 8 AM – 3 PM
- Clinical 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Location: Main Campus, Grundy Hall 103
CRJ-100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 credits—This course examines the day-to-day operation of criminal justice in our society. Emphasis is on the inter-relationships of the components of law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and the juvenile justice system.
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Type: General Education / Transfer
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Location: Online
AUT-106 Introduction to Automotive Technology
2 credits — This introductory course provides an introduction to the many facets of the automotive industry to include: careers in the automotive industry, environmental concerns affecting the automotive industry, basic automotive hand tools, specialty tools, precision measuring tools, power tools and shop equipment, using service and shop manuals, and shop safety.
Lecture Hours: 16 Lab Hours: 32
Course Type: Technical
Dates: June 9–27, 2025
Schedule: Monday – Friday
- Lecture: 8:30 – 9:28 AM
- Lab: 9:45 AM – 12 PM
Location: Main Campus, Butler Hall 133
AUT-109 Introduction to Automotive Technology II
2 credits — This course includes the use of hand and power tools, the understanding of electronic repair information and the importance of preventative maintenance.
Lecture Hours: 16 Lab Hours: 32
Course Type: Technical
Dates: June 9–27, 2025
Schedule: Monday – Friday
- Lecture: 8:30 – 9:28 AM
- Lab: 9:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Main Campus, Butler Hall 133
BIO-151 Nutrition
3 credits—Principles of Nutrition will introduce students to the science of nutrition. The course will examine individual nutrients; their structure and function in the human body; nutrient composition of food; and selection of food to meet nutrient needs, maintain health and satisfaction. Students will understand and apply present day knowledge of nutrition to dietary patterns and needs of selected individuals and groups. The course is an advanced beginning course in human nutrition designed for students with a science background.
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Type: General Education / Transfer
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Location: Online
SOC-110 Introduction to Sociology
3 credits—This course surveys the basic principles, concepts, and research findings of social life from small groups to societies. The course examines a range of sociological explanations for the various forms of social behaviors and establishes a basis for reflection and further study in the field.
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Type: General Education / Transfer
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Location: Online
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
3 credits—This course introduces students to the oral communication process and how it affects human interaction There will be an emphasis on developing interpersonal, small group, and public speaking skills. Students will be involved in activities that provide opportunity for the understanding and improvement of their oral communication skills.
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Type: General Education / Transfer
Dates: June 9 – July 24, 2025
Location: Online
Course registration is first come, first serve. Register early as these courses fill quickly.